4 Must-Have Accessories for Your Brand-New Motorcycle

If you have recently purchased your dream Harley-Davidson® motorcycle and are searching for ways to help boost its safety and efficiency, you have arrived at the right place. Red Rock Harley-Davidson® is your local bike dealer in Nevada, and we know a thing or two about customizing motorcycles. Our experts have gathered a few accessories you’ll want to begin with—keep reading to learn more.

1. Motorcycle Hand Grips

Motorcycle hand grips help riders steer and control their bikes efficiently, and you'll want to ensure your hand grips feel comfortable. Otherwise, they can affect your safety and riding experience.

If you notice you can’t hold your handlebar firmly, get new hand grips before your next outing. Various heated handlebar grips are available on the market, so keep your options open.

2. Helmet Locks

Next, you want to invest in a durable and reliable helmet lock for your motorcycle.

Having a helmet lock means you won’t have to carry around your bulky helmet while running errands. This handy accessory also helps protect your helmet from getting stolen when you aren’t near your bike at a public place or parking lot.

3. Ignition Lock

Another way to accessorize your brand-new motorcycle is to install an ignition lock. These items are more secure than traditional key ignitions and let you start your bike’s engine without a key.

Ignition locks use a programmed code to start a motorcycle engine. They use radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to establish contact between a key fob and the receiver.

4. Saddlebags

Finally, you’ll want to install saddlebags on your brand-new motorcycle to enhance its storage capacity. These accessories help keep your belongings safe and organized during a ride and boost the aesthetics of your bike.


When shopping for saddlebags for your motorcycle, consider the size and material before making any payments. Hard bags offer better security, but soft cases and racks are less expensive and can be used with other motorcycles.

Are you ready to explore accessories for your new motorcycle? If you need more ideas or are still searching for a brand-new bike, visit Red Rock Harley-Davidson®. We have an impressive collection of motorcycles for sale, and we can help you pick the perfect model. You’ll find us in Las Vegas, NV, so reach out today.

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